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Example: Joan Smith


Year example: 1970 GROUP 3.


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Stories and images back
through the years

2000 to 2010

A new century and the new Principal John Kane arrives from Taihape College, and the winter sports tradition with that college continued. PAGE >

1990 to 1999

Principal Mel Cooper settled in for a period and the Nelson Block got a lick of paint to welcome the Governor General. PAGE >

1980 to 1989

Rex Kerr's long serving period (21 solid years) and a rugby loving Principal / Coach of the First XV. PAGE >

1970 to 1979

Continuation of the John (Jack) Saunders years, with 'Credence Clearwater Revival' school socials and  UE exams in Hadfield Hall. READ >

1959 to 1969

District High School to College status under the three early Principal's, and a first overseas trip. READ >

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